Posts Tagged: curvy

On body size and beauty.

Over on the Regretsy forum, a discussion of body image came up.  This discussion spawns 12+ pages of comments, posts and discussions that is pretty well summed up by it’s subject:  “Hot Fat Chicks!”.

Normally I’d stay away from something with a crass headline like that, but this particular forum is always full of intelligent, snarky, crass, and just plain fucked up awesomeness.

Instead of posting a photo or two in the forum, I thought the topic deserves a larger photo treatment.  I dug way back into my archives and selected a few images from every year from 2007 to present to represent the beauty, sensuality and just plain sexiness of the large, curvacious and beautiful women whom have graced my studio over the years.

Some of the pictures below the fold are NSFW but all of the mare tasteful and elegant.  So without cluttering up your screen with more words, I give you beauty writ large.   Enjoy.