Posts in Category: Conventions

A few quick edits of photos from LibertyCon 28

LibertyCon is held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel in Chattanooga, TN in late June every year.   This year was the 28th anniversary of the convention and the first time they sold out.   They have a hard cap of 700 tickets and they capped a few weeks before the convention.

I haven’t had time to do more than log the photos into Lightroom and pick a few that really jumped out at me to do a basic edit and export.  Many, many more will follow over the next couple of weeks, including the wedding that happened Thursday night.

Enjoy.  And for a change, they’re all work safe.

More shots from LibertyCon 27

It took a while, but I finally got around to doing some more edits from the shots I took at LibertyCon 27 at the Chattanooga ChooChoo Hotel in Chattanooga, TN.


A bit of Cosplay at DragonCon

DragonCon has been one of the nation’s largest SF/Fantasy fan oriented conventions for a while.  Rumored attendance numbers top fifty or sixty *thousand* people.   Even if you don’t attend the convention itself, just walking through Downtown Atlanta near the six hotels during Labor Day weekend is an adventure.

Wendi and I went downtown today to meet a friend in from Texas for lunch.  As usual, I had my camera with me and even just the couple of hours we were downtown gave me ample opportunity for a bit of photo fun.    Here’s are the best of the cosplay photos I took today.  A couple of them (Assassin’s Creed and Harley Quinn) were two lovely ladies in the table next to us at the restaurant.  The rest were hanging around or walking near one of the hotels.  Enjoy.

[gallery type=”rectangular” ids=”531,530,527,526,524″]

A friend, Chris, from Texas

A close friend of Wendi and I came in from Texas for DragonCon this week.  We made the trip down by MARTA to brave the 60,000+ DragonCon geeks, plus the 10s of thousands of fans for some sports-ball thing, to have lunch.  It was worth it.


A stroll through an underground station.

I love the industrial feel of some of the underground MARTA stations in Atlanta.  Some of them have a very dystopian feel to them.  I took these today on my way back from having lunch with a friend during DragonCon.  There’s also an image of a great neon sign inside Durango’s steak house.

A Fiery Heart. A Beautiful Woman.

The beautiful and vibrant Nikki standing before a fire-art display at a regional Burn.   Unlike most of the photos I post here, this one is a composite of two photos from two different Burns.  A lot of Photoshop and Lightroom work to get this one just right.

Behind the fold to protect the soft virginal eyeballs of HR drones everywhere.

LibertyCon 26

I just got back from LibertyCon 26 in Chattanooga, TN.   Once again, we stayed at the lovely, if woefully under air conditioned Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel.   I won’t bore you with an after con report since I spent the con hanging out with friends and shooting anything and anyone that stood still long enough.   I even caught a couple of mermaids in the pool.     I’ll have photos of those soon as I get feedback from the lovely ladies with fins.


The view from the steps of the Con Suite / Barfly Central.

The view from the steps of the Con Suite / Barfly Central.

Is that Larry Correia or is that Owen Pitt cosplaying as Larry Correia?

Is that Larry Correia or is that Owen Pitt cosplaying as Larry Correia?


The rest of the photos are over on the Gallery page.


Selected photos from Alchemy 2012.

A few selected photos from burn night at Alchemy 2012. Enjoy.

Full moon over Alchemy 2012 on burn night.

Full moon over the burn field at Alchemy 2012.

The moment of igintion of the effigy at Alchemy 2012.

The first explosion of fire under the effigy at Alchemy 2012.

A few minutes in to the burn, there is a wall of fire across the burn field.

A few minutes in to the burn, there is a wall of fire across the burn field.

Fire in the shape of a Dragon's head rising from the effigy's flames.

Dragon rising from the flames of the Effigy at Alchemy 2012.

Sparks and flames climb to the sky as the effigy collapses at Alchemy 2012.

Sparks and flames climb to the sky as the effigy collapses at Alchemy 2012.

More photos coming as I work through edits.


Alchemy 2011 Panorama

Here’s a non-silverlight version of the Panorama shot I took at Alchemy in 2011.  This is from the top of Effigy Hill on Saturday afternoon.

Facebook’s being stupid and won’t let me pick the thumbnail it chooses for the post.  Since it’s pulling an image from a different gallery and that image is absolutely NOT Facebook or work safe, I’m posting here instead.  Enjoy.

Alchemy 2011 Panorama

Alchemy 2011 Panorama

Jess enjoying the wind and sun on top of Effigy hill at Alchemy this year.

I had a chance to shoot Jess up on top of Effigy hill at Alchemy this year.  The  cool breezes, warm sun and beautiful skies were just too perfect to not use as a backdrop for one of my most beautiful regular models.

Image and link to the gallery are after the cut to save on heart medication for HR departments and other prudes who explode at the sight of a boob.   Enjoy.